
The Silver Tongued Devils are small mammals that are indigenous to the Hastromil system. They are relentlessly exploited due to the fact that every single part of their biology is useful: their tears can replace blood in transfusions, their hides can be used to make floats and boots, and their hinged tongues serve an unknown yet apparently useful purpose. Even their brainwaves can be harnessed to an aerial, used to boost signal reception

In the imaginary life that the Guide Mark II gave her, Trillian was hit by a "Save the Silver Tongue" float while wearing a "Save the Silver Tongue" T-shirt, and consequently received a Silver Tongued Devil tear blood transfusion.

The philosophers who cite the Babel Fish as conclusive proof of the nonexistence of God often present the Silver Tongued Devils as proof that Satan does exist.





The Wompom

  • In the annals of British comedy, a similar concept was explored in "the Wompom" by Flanders and Swann.